How to sync wysiwyg editor window to code window?

jonroc –

I’m referring to the code editor that is invoked by clicking the </> icon on the menu bar or by Ctrl+E. In my setup this opens the code editor in a tile just below the wysiwyg editor. (When I refer to a “new location” I mean a new text location within the editor.)

In any case I have mainly solved this by editing the code in Visual Studio Code and syncing to Pinegrow (see Pinegrow Live Sync thread VS Code - can't get Pinegrow Live Sync extension to work). In VS Code I right click on the desired code, then “Pinegrow: Select element”. Pinegrow’s wysiwyg editor then moves to the same location. However, Pinegrow’s cursor won’t be positioned exactly the same as in VS Code.

I’m not familiar with the pop-up code editor. From where in Pinegrow do you press “C” without Pinegrow interpreting this as the letter “C” (i.e., as text input)?