Hi, how can I use revolution slider from Pinegrow?
Here is the Documentation:
Basic Setup:
Does that help your efforts?
I am not sure why would anyone place functionality that requires 3rd party software, that again needs to be licensed/purchased?
Why not place some free jquery slider, and add bit functionality if possible?
Huh? What does “How can I use” have to do with your new comment?
To my knowledge this slider is not included as part of Pinegrow, so I assume that comment is not @ Pinegrow? Are you using it from a template you purchased instead perhaps?
No, it is related to PG.
I have set my question wrong, I do know how to use it
What I don’t understand is, why would developers include revolution slider as an option (it is there right?) , with a way to create slides, etc, and not include actual slider files, leaving users to go and buy them if they want to use it (yes, I do understand it is commercial, and not sure if codecanyon license can be extended in that way)?
Would not be more reasonable to use some free slider and when you choose to include it you have a working slider?
Don’t you think?
Oh ok, you’re talking about as found in the “libraries and plugins” for activation. Only the actual Pinegrow developers could answer those questions and give insight I would assume, sorry.
There are plenty of others that exist which you can use in Pinegrow as well. You are not required to use that one, you can link up and use others of your own choosing.
this is the updated version of revolution slider with all necessary files added automatically, It’s updated by me from original plugin added already inside PG.
Thank You!
Hi, @itsmeleo,
What about the remaining question(s) by @dakiriki surrounding the requirement of licensing for use ?
To my knowledge, Revolution Slider is not a free or open source project / product. So how does your offering circumvent the need for a commercial license to use. Or can you point to a reference where this is not the case or explain how your plugin is safely free to use in development?
That is talking about Revolution Slider Plugin for WordPress not the one used with jQuery. also still have concern or worried then you can use OwlCarousel Plugin , It’s for sure is free . i also have doubts about Revolution slider licesne wether its applied on jQuery files or only on WordPress Plugin as that plugin have complete interface as well.
No, nobody here is talking about WP plugin, we are talking about plain jquery plugin sold on codecanyon
There is a commercial license that is basically same as one on themeforest. It is a single site license where you do not charge a client, or extended one where you can charge.
So using revolution slider is not free, in any case.
Is your revolution slider plugin for Pinegrow Wordpress that you linked to?
Their JQuery version of Revolution Slider is $ commercial as well, not free or open source, and requires a license - it’s not freely distributable.
But yes I agree, as I stated above “There are plenty of others that exist which you can use in Pinegrow as well.”, but in the end this discussion is about Revolution Slider.
would you please share the plenty of others that exist which you can use in Pinegrow plugins that will work in PG? thanks
You should be able to use any slider you want as long you follow code structure, add needed files and activate it.
Probably I haven’t understood the gist of this talk yet. So if i may fail - apologized in advance.
If we go shopping, do we necessarily expect things for free?
Developing stuff means, investing time and resources. And some things offer cool features you probably miss in all other comparable versions. They’re maintained. So I understand that this requires some income. I wonder anyway, why a good part of great stuff is for free (such as OWL).
We expect the biggest margin between invest and income. We expect great things making our products great. But we expect adding the ingredients for free? Great FONTs, Sliders, Galleries, Stock Images and videos and all the like.
I have to admit, that I’m doing the free-ride too. Certainly. And I mumble and grumble if I do not find things as expected - somehow. But I purchased stuff as well - or even donated. Two examples coming into my mind:
RoyalSlider (because I liked the visible nearby)
Updog ( a lil app for dropbox bringing back the possibility of displaying HTML)
No, I was just referring to fact that there is Revolution slider feature in PG, with a way to create slides, but to make it work you need to buy RS.
For purpose of having a feature included, free options should be used, that is all I say. Then you can say ok, you have this for free - as a feature, if you want something else, you are on your own.
In the way it is now it is better not to have it at all.
Btw, I do have a lot of licenses, worth $1500+, mainly WP related, so I am ok to pay for what I need.
All I am saying, again, is that there should be no feature included that requires 3rd party commercial packages if those packages are not included ( in agreement with authors, of course, for legal purposes).
OK - understood. Wasn’t aware of it cause I’m used to start from scratch.
I’m absolutely with you here, questioning the sense of something like this. Thanks for clarifying.
According to their website “Slider Revolution is the #1 Selling Responsive WordPress Slider Plugin” - That may explain why it was included as everyone (apart from me) has a WordPress website!
Actually, we are talking about jQuery plugin, not Wordpress plugin
From http://docs.pinegrow.com/misc/release-notes/release-1-2-beta
Revolution slider Pinegrow plugin will recognize sliders with .rev_slider class and add Pause slider, Resume slider, Next slide, Prev slide, Insert slide commands to the element Actions menu.
It also auto-scrolls to the selected slide when you select it in the tree.
Revolution slider PG plugin must be activated on the page for that (Page -> Manage frameworks).
Note, that this will not add Revolution slider JavaScript code to your page. You have to do that manually.
I know but most of the love
has been for wordpress so was tounge in cheek