Interactions stop playing after some time

I’m using the interactions plugin on Mac OS. I’ve noticed the interactions plugin fails to animate after working with it for some period of time.

The only solution to fix this is to restart the application.

Welcome to the forum @ricosrealm

Do you mean the animation as seen on the page itself, or the actual interface for Pinegrow Interactions? If you mean the animation on the page then maybe you can instead toggle the javascript on / off verse restarting the whole application. If you mean the PGIA interface itself, then only the devs can probably address that possible issue.

Pinegrow Toolbar Toggle Javascript

Maybe someone else or staff will respond also, again welcome to the forum.

I mean the PGIA interface itself.

Ok, then that is an issue @matjaz, @abirana, etc., will need to address and comment on.

I would suggest contacting support directly if you have not already.

Were you able to get a resolution for the problems you were facing @ricosrealm ?

Oh I forgot to reply on this.

I’ve been working on Pinegrow and I’ve not encountered such issue, so I cannot actually relate to your problem.

Please check what different you’ve done or any other implementation that can cause this.

And I think it is best to email the support directly and explain the issue in details.

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Note: @ricosrealm who was evaluating Pinegrow actually contacted our support on August 13th. We asked him to provide a few more details and to see an example project presenting the problem. We are now waiting for his answer.

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