Is Interactions forgotten? All WordPress now?


I wonder looking at my Interactions version of more then one and a half year ago, when is there any development and upgrades to be expected? It looks as if all the attention is shifted all the time depending on the latest stuff that is released (the wordPress plugin)! Remember we pay subscription every year!

 * VERSION: 2.14
 * DATE: 2022-12-04
 * INFO:
 * @license Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Pinegrow Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved, with exclusion of supporting libraries.

I needed a couple of WordPress sites and was thinking about the possible solutions for more then a month and with pain in my hart I decided to purchase “Live Canvas”. Not only was it a no brainer by price, but with “Understrap” and WooCommerce included, that I was used too in the past very simpel to work with and I created sites within a day without hardly having to watch one tutorial. All Bootstrap HTML coding, my own Javascript and a smart SASS compiler within the plugin. The reason that I started to look elsewhere are the above written issues.

The Pinegrow plugin seemed much more complicated with no reason!

All the original users are gone from the forum and it is only WordPress that seems to be the subject.


Hey @AllMediaLab ,

We update our addons and plugins when needed. Regarding the Interactions add-on, the feature set aligns with our current vision and its integration into Pinegrow.
Unless there are bugs or major tech advancements, it doesn’t need to be updated as frequently as the app itself. As for the annual subscription, you can find some reasons on the add-on’s dedicated page.
One hint: the GSAP library powering the add-on is used under license, regardless of its version.
Another hint: If the library you’re talking about the version number is a part of the interactions feature, it’s still important to consider that maintenance and support from the timeline editor and interactions features are equally crucial.
Nearly every version of Pinegrow brings silent improvements and fixes.

It’s essential for everyone to find the right solution at the right price, and we’re glad you found an app that suits you better.

Also, check out the Pinegrow 8 changelog, which brings (among some others great editing improvements) a cool and exclusive way to use Tailwind in a visual HTML editor – nothing to do with WordPress. You might not be into Tailwind, but hey, different strokes for different folks! :blush:

Thanks for your feedback!