Is there a way to natively change output style of CSS from SASS files?

Eg change the output style to one of: :nested , :expanded , :compact , or :compressed?

Can you expand on the question a little? I’m not sure I get what you mean.

SCSS currently compiles down to an un-minified CSS file or ‘expanded’ in SASS terms. Options in a SASS compiler like compass offer several options (nested, expanded, compact, or compressed)

/* Current */

/* main.scss */
div {
  color: red;

/* main.css (output) */
div {
  color: red;

/* Preferred */

/* main.scss */
div { 
  color: red;

/* main.css (output) */

No, right now the only options are the autoprefixer settings and whether to remove empty rules.

Thanks again @RobM. I think this’d make a nice feature. Particularly as prod code should be minified to save of file size.

Happy New Year!