It is possible edit secret page

Hi, i just create new admin login page that no link to go there because is typically secret page, it is possible to edit this login.vue page without navigate to there, usually i clicked the link then select the page.vue from tree panel to make it editable.

Hi @hasan,

You are doing it right already, going into click mode, then loading the page from App Tree.

With click-mode essentially you are interacting with your app just like how your users will be using it. So, when you are in click-mode, navigate to your login page, enter your credentials, then once you have authenticated and landed on your secret-safeguarded page, you just use the App Tree to edit your components of the secret-safeguarded page.

App Tree represents the live page in your page view.

Refer to this post for screenshots and similar explanation - Laravel + Inertia + Vue - #2 by TechAkayy

Let me know how you go. Cheers!

I can’t edit the /login page in vue designer, because is not showed in web perview i need to navigate first with NuxtLink or anchor tag, I didn’t give this link on purpose, because the login page is confidential, I could have given it a link when I edited it and deleted it when I published the website, but that’s a bit over and over again, if it possible can i just enter url /login page at vue designer directly.

Gotcha. For this, use Nuxt Devtools and navigate to the login page by entering the route manually. This way, you don’t have to add a redundant NuxtLink to the login page, simply during development. Then, you can use the App Tree to load the login.vue page or it’s components to work on them.

Thankyou that was what i mean :rofl: :tada:, sorry for mybroken english :pray:

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Your english is just fine mate.

The Vue & Nuxt Devtools have a huge array of helpful features.

I find it very handy when using the panel as a floating panel (the float icon left of the close button) and moving it to my secondary display. But, yeah don’t overuse it :wink: