Hi. My english is very limited, sorry.
When I activate Lazy loading, the links that I have inside an offcanvas lose the accuracy of the displacement. It is a one page website. This is the second time this has happened to me (two out of two). I copy the offcanvas code from getbootstrap.com and enable Lazy loading in Pinegrow.
Si desactivo lazy loading todo vuelve a funcionar.
Any ideas?
There are several methods you can use to prevent reflow…
- Disable lazy load on the offcanvas images.
- Using image width and height attributes, the browser will reserve the space (although not responsive)
- Wrap the images in a div that preserves the aspect ratio / size of the image (responsive)
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Thanks for the quick reply. I apologize for my bad English and not knowing how to explain the problem better.
I don’t have images inside the offcanvas. Within the offcanvas I only have links to navigate along the page. Everything works fine until I enable lazy loading (LL) on one or more images. With LL disabled, the link takes me to the section I want, but when I activate LL, the first click doesn’t take me where I want; from the second click it starts working.
Exactly same principle though, As I understand it, the reflow happens if the browser doesn’t know the size of the image, that hasn’t loaded yet.
When the image loads, it shifts the content.
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