My page looks nothing like it should

Hi there.
I just installed pinegrow and I opened my first responsive html file.
I’ve been using this file for years. (bought the original at themeforest). It works fine on all browsers and on desktop, phones, tablets, etc.

The thing is, the page doesn’t look the way it should when I open it on pinegrow. The heading and top image in particular appears on a block on the left side of the screen,
When I load it in Chrome, it looks fine and everything is where it should be.

Any suggestions on how to fix that?

The image should appear on the left, everything else being centered.

Ok, I’ve managed to work it out and solve the problem.
It turns out that there are some html errors which pinegrow can see, but which chrome (and every other server) simply ignore, and that’s why the page shows just fine when loaded from my website or locally, but not when opened from pinegrow.

All good!

Well done! That’s what I was going to suggest, but I am fed up seeing my avatar all over this forum! :-o