Pay what you want bundle

Here you go, another one from Shareware on sale, which then actually turns into an Eduonix course provider when you check it out… which turns into login in with your Stack social account details!

Okay then!

I have just bought the 10 html project bundle at the bottom.
I paid what I wanted.
1US Dollar :slight_smile:

I can live with that.
who knows, I might even have time to do this one…

nb, at the end of all that login in,
it turns into this course

for $1

ahhh… as stated by a “full stack developer” no less?!

Don’t you ever get tired of watching? I mean, where do you get the time??

@schpengle: If you took everything new that you learned as it happened that was of value and wrote it down… and, then went back and created a course with these items in an order that made sense…

I’m thinking that you would have a good course that doesn’t waste a lot of time :stopwatch: going over the basics like most courses do. At what point do you know enough - perhaps already, and perhaps never. :money_with_wings:

Thank you, anyway, for your efforts as these courses will probably come in handy. I presume that everything that you’re posting is courses that you highly recommend?

Again, thanks.

Hi you :slight_smile: good catch on quite a few of those points.As for time to watch them…er nope,not been happening for a while for myself to sit and watch stuff
But! In this example , time was running out !
It was one dollar for a beginners course for 10 projects which is 10c per project.

Got to be worth a try if your a beginner eh? If you don’t have anything already in place?
Otherwise I fully agree with you :slight_smile: