Pinegrow 3 adding unwanted class

Due to my clients requirements I have delved back into pinegrow (3) to create another page template for his site. Upon export, everything has gone pear-shaped. Top nav has reverted to the original and the inner content has gone full screen, all edits in the footer have dissapeared and everything in the front-page.php has been enclosed in a “site-inner” class in the section.

I’ve ammended the nav, not too fussed about the footer but the main content in the front page, although I have contained the literal content in site-inner deliberately, all sections should have a 100% screen background, but they can’t as the entire content is wrapped in the unwanted class,

I’m finding Pinegrow is adding the “site-inner” class to the section. It’s as if it has stolen it from the nav, as impossible as that sounds. Again, this shouldn’t be a problem but I find no way of removing it. The class is neither in the lib, nor front-page files. I’ve opened the front-page as a php doc and it isn’t there either. Just in Wordpress’ rendering of the code.

Any Ideas?


Ahh why do I always fix things after writing a forum post??? The unwanted class was found at the bottom of the header. I tried to delete this post but couldn’t