Pinegrow 6.2 slow on MacOSX 10.15.7 and freezes when typing in .scss files

Hello @timbowerbank ,

First of all, thank you very much for your patience and for sending us your project.
We are indeed confirming a problem that is partly related to the complexity of the SASS flow of the project.

The ability to compile in real time is a real strength of Pinegrow, but in some situations, in the presence of many source files and complex projects, the real-time processing is undermined, blocking Pinegrow for long seconds or even causing crashes of the application.

We are currently working on the integration of DartSass which seems much more optimized for this type of use and which we hope will allow the management of large projects.

I can’t give you an ETA for the arrival of this integration and in the meantime, for complex projects, if you encounter dysfunctions (which is not the case for thousands of users working on smaller SASS projects with Pinegrow), I can only recommend you to consider an external process such as CODEKIT for example. (

Thanks a lot for your understanding.

@Emmanuel Hi
Yes I can confirm that Codekit is a good alternative! I’m using it’s build qualities for the past weeks and it is a incredible, reliable and smart tool. Only wished the PG team would take a closer look at this app and build it’s functionalities a 100% in to Pinegrow! But that’s just wishful thinking I guess!

Hi Emmanuel,

Thanks for checking out my project. OK, I understand, look forward to Dart Sass at some point in the future.

Thanks, Tim

Hello @timbowerbank

Good news, today @matjaz integrated smart changes that drastically improved the situation with live processing of the SASS code.

We are now continuing to test (using your project and replicating the points you had problems with) to make sure this does not cause regressions. If all goes well, we should be able to push this change through Pinegrow Live in the next few days.

Stay tuned for more!


Brilliant news! Thanks for the update.

Look forward to using it when you update.


SUPER excited about the Dart SASS integration! Which means no more @import.

I’ve just discovered Pinegrow, it’s kind of like a dream come true! I’m currently in my trial period.

Today I’ve played around with SASS all day, installed Dart SASS and VSCode sync.
But unfortunately, no real-time compiling :frowning:

I hope to see the Dart SASS integration soon. And maybe one day, GUI integration with SASS. That would be perfection - but just the Dart Sass integration with real-time compiling would already be amazing!

The SASS fix for CSS Grid issues (and it might also improve general SASS stability) is now available in Pinegrow Live release. Take it for a spin and let us know if there are any issues.

Note, this is not yet a DartSASS version.

Thanks Matjaz - I’ll have a look.


Fantastic!! I’ve just built a new component using Pinegrow Live and this issue is resolved.

Thank you.


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Just wondering when this fix is going to be released?

Best wishes, Tim

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Hello Tim,

Do you have specific problems with Pinegrow Live (which includes the desired fix) that you don’t have with the standard version?

Because in the end, it is a full version of Pinegrow that is updated in near real time with the most recent fixes and has nothing to envy with a “standard” version (hence my concern about your question.).

Hi Emmanuel,

Pinegrow Live has a few things missing that I normally use in Pinegrow - unless I haven’t found them… as follows:

  • Element Code panel
  • Element breadcrumb trail along bottom of main window
  • History undo

And also PGL crashed on me this morning.

Is 6.6 coming soon?

Best wishes,


@timbowerbank that sounds like a case of a corrupted workspace. Try changing / restoring the layout in Window → Workspace.