Pinegrow confused when trying to configure shadows with decimal ranges between 1>x>-1 | Part I

(Two Part post due to 1 Image limit)
The Wheel used to change the shadows direction has no effect when using decimal ranges between 1 and -1. Instead, it just copies the distance into both the X- and Y-Axis.
It works fine when using decimal values above/below, like 1.2Rem . Wether you use Rem, Em, %, Px etc. has no effect.

(I selected the shadow’s display as None, but it has no effect on the issue)

EDIT: This likely is caused by the wheel only changing the values in steps of 1. Therefor I would like to request that the functionalitly is added that the wheel can also change in decimal steps. Atleast when using rem & em in values below 10 (since the whole number increment does makes sense for px & % units).