Pinegrow error check, Should not contain H5 Elements

OK, so I shouldn’t use a Header Tag for Button Text correct?

just making sure as there seem to be lots of crazy work arounds in HTML for doing questionable coding things…


That is correct. Within the button, tags for regular phrasing content are fine such as span, a, b, em, img, object, etc

You shouldn’t use div, p, h1.

Thanks Cary,
really appreciate the assist.
I have had Pinegrow since its inception but haven’t really used it. Been using Notepad++ and Nightmare-Weaver. Trying to move full time to Pinegrow as Ad#be is a disaster on hardware/memory/CPU utilization, painfully slow with odd bugs that destroy existing code simply using copy/paste functions.
I’m not the most experienced using HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
Trying to use only HTML(5) / CSS as much as possible. Learning HTML, CSS, JavaScript is like looking forward to running up and down the stairs with a sharp pair of scissors!
Best regards