Ah well, I don’t think it is a Code First kind of product.
But it does both, PARALLEL, pretty good!
But alas yes, The Editor side is missing some functionality found in proper, full Code Editors,
Like Search , and a system wide version, and it some is a bit buggy, for which I find the
Undo redo action to be the worst culprit.
if. you have several pages open and hit the undo button after working on a few of them, well, you seem to enter a world of non undoable…undos. Your goosed, its gone.
But , as was said, I guess this is PRIMARILY a visual layout tool and inspector … written by a coder who had… Code first… Code Editors and created this tool to ENHANCE what he already - a code editor.
The Code Editors still exist, and as Pinegrow isn’t meant to replace your workflow toolset, rather to compliment it, May I suggest you use both together?
It also doesn’t have an FTP client… again, use another tool with it for that.
Pinegrow is PART of your tool belt.
It Compliments the Code environment with a Visual Approach, adding the possibility to Get At the code, unlike some proprietary branded versions , or where you have to pay for addons (which just inject some code into a proprietary format you cant access , in order to have some easily added functionality when it FINALLY exports your code …to HTML and CSS and random advanced flavoured thing here
and as for BBEdit , I too was going to suggest that *or TextWrangler if your still running that) as
in your words, …
Pinegrow sucking at being a text editor.
well funnily enough…BBEdit says…
Hee Hee
SO yeah, after 25 years it would be nice to see a plugin for that (I use it mostly) Along with SublimeText.
So they are MUCH lighter footprints Than Atom or VSC
I’d love to use them with Pinegrow, especially Sublime, more so than BBEdit.
due to its advanced configurations, awesome plugin community ,support and it being Multi Platform.
Been asking for this for a few years now.
So, yeah, If you want Code first approach…
DO a code first approach, with a decent code editor.
They provide plugins for 2.
it would be GREAT if there was more! I’ve looked at the plugins and the dev is beyond my current skillset.
Use Pinegrow for the fannying around with the Visuals, but it also does other stuff to speed up your workflow,
Like the whole Wordpress thing
And now the Customise Bootstrap Themes
as well as Components
and all the other Hyper bolea stuff.
And Visuals… awesome for thet, with clicking classes on and off etc etc. you get the idea if you have used it much.
Although I’m not sure if partials still exist… they were implemented in 2.X, dissapered in 3
not sure if they ever returned, if you code/create along those lines, b
but people here have mentioned that they still work with absolute paths.
Either way,
Its not.a super duper Text editor, but it’s great for most stuff and a cursory glance, but no, its not a power editor and it would appear that the Devs realise that, but created plugins for some funky ones (maintained by teams for Hundreds!) so that their team of …4… could carry on with the Visual approach.
Frankly< I think they have found a good balance.
…notwithstanding the lack of the SublimeText Plugin and the Erratic Undo/Click-n-Pray function.