Pinegrow gets confused about plugin or theme

Here is a pretty specific, but not uncommon, scenario where Pinegrow gets confused about whether it is creating a WP Theme or Plugin. (Pinegrow Desktop 7.0.3)

  • Start a new project by creating a file. Save that file with a name other than index.html and open it as a project.

  • Activate WordPress and enter your properties for a plugin as usual.

  • When you save, you’ll see the message below “unable to check if Page Settings on are ok”

  • Go back to the WordPress panel and you’ll see the following “the page is not configured for WordPress…”

  • Lastly, export your plugin and you’ll get the plugin export warning that your theme doesn’t have an index page.

Except… I’m making a plugin!

Doing all these steps with an index.html file works just fine. This is just a specific scenario I ran into this morning and thought I’d raise as a low priority bug.

Thanks @adamslowe, should be fixed in the next release.

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