Pinegrow WP cannot open project

I cannot open my Pinegrow project. My project freezes when opening component and freezes the browser tab and killing it is the only resolution but the project remains unable to open.

Using version 1.0.22

Anyone else have this issue? Is there a way to potentially clear some DB space in case that’s an issue.

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Interesting progression…

I’ve exported my entire site and have got it running on a local install of WP. Opening the project is still crashing the browser.

May be try incognito to rule out any browser extensions causing this.

This could be due to a corrupted project file, excessive cache, or memory issues. Give a try to clear Pinegrow’s cache and restart your system. Furthermore, check the project’s JSON files for corruption or try opening a backup version. Also, ensure your system has enough free RAM, as large projects can cause freezes.