Seeking Advice on Responsive Design in Pinegrow

Hi everyone,

I’m fairly new to Pinegrow and web design in general, and I’m looking for some advice on best practices for creating responsive designs. I’ve been experimenting with different layout techniques, but I often run into issues when trying to make my designs look good on both desktop and mobile devices.

I also check this :

What are some tips or tricks you all use to ensure your sites are fully responsive? Are there specific features or tools in Pinegrow that you find particularly useful for this?

Thanks in advance!


You can find some useful tipps on Pinegrow-Forest: Pinegrow Forest | Pinegrow Features, Tips & Tutorials

You need wo work with the media query tool in the style tab. There you can define different styles for elements on different devices.

On Pinegrow Forest you can find a starter project with lots of predefined elements such as Menus, Headers, Overviews, Lists, Footers and more. They are already fully responsive an can be adjust the way you want. On top of that, you can learn about how there elements were created:


You may have already seen this, but here is a tutorial which may be helpful.

Using media queries and CSS functions to create a responsive design in Pinegrow

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Thanks @Riccarcharias

Thanks for the help @Cary