This is why i came to PG. I’m not particularly interested in the details of the code either, and have been looking for a visual design environment that was up to modern standards. Looked at W5 and a dozen others, but nothing seems to have the power and features i want.
TemplateToaster “seemed” to until i tried using it (I found Artisteer first and was looking for what replaced it) but, neither of these really allow you to BUILD anything. They seem like they need you to already have the elements in place (from some other source) so that you can make them Artist’ier or “Toast” them to your liking (hence the nameage, i suppose).
MobileRise probably came closest, but it is so, SO limited in what you can do with it… and it’s not really an “offline” program since it forces you to log into your mobilerise acct in order to use the product!
So here i sit with openElement, quick 'n easy website builder and NetObjects left sitting next to pinegrow.
There is NO comparison, the rest look dated and sloppy with their various attempts at responsive design and proprietary code.
The promise of Bootstrap Studio seems far more solid than TT did, and I like how the UX is very much like that of PG in terms of what’s available to the user, only with less to worry about.
As i’m not interested in WP or any of that, it would seem like a good place to start.
But I still want to have a master page, to be able to utilize CSS grids (since in think that’s where this is all going), and would like the ability to use other frameworks besides just bootstrap.
Bootstrap is a better work around than most using tables or a cluge of
statements to simulate a responsive design, but it seems to be worth investing some extra learning curve into something like PG so that i’m not limiting myself.
I wish there were a true visual editor on the market, but there just isn’t one… as far as i can tell.