I’ve exported and published a theme I created using Pinegrow.
Now, I need to make modifications to a menu block that I didn’t initially set as a block attribute. Do I need to export everything back to my local environment, make a copy (i use Duplicator) and then reupload everything online? How can I do this without losing the changes I’ve already made on the live site?
@red-rosefields you need to make modifications to your source HTML-based project and then export the theme again.
You can use the plugin for that: ZIP the source project (not the exported theme), import it into the PG WP Plugin, make modifications and export the theme.
I just imported the zip. So far so good. The pages are unstyled though. My 2 .css files are there under page setting. Any hint? let me tiner around
By the way, how do I switch to dark mode, don’t see the settings?