Staging sites and the Single license

Does single license for the Wordpress Plugin allow for staging sites for e.g one local and one live staging in addition to the live site? I am on cloudways which makes staging copies as

In my usage case I am considering the desktop+tailwind+wordpress as a one-time payment and the single license on the site I am working on.

Tagging @matjaz since this is a great question and I have no idea whether that use case had been considered. I suspect there are going to be challenges since the plugin is just a “builder” and isn’t required for the projects to work on your production site, but I definitely see why you would want to do what you are asking.

Thanks Adam. Actually, I’ve been chatting with you on the Bricks and Dplugin Facebook groups (Iwama guy) and this is how I ended up here in Pinegrow World. The license count question for staging and local sites is a common one. Cloudway’s naming convention for their staging site is PITA sometimes since a large number of plugins count it as a license.

@pixel I can’t think of a simple way to work around this, unfortunately. A multi-site license would be required in this situation.

Thanks for the clarification @matjaz . Might be worth having that in an FAQ for the plugin. I’m sure this will get asked a lot as word gets around about the Wordpress Plugin. Single site operators (vs an agency) would be working on staging or local builds and wouldn’t risk doing this on an active site. I noticed there was a staging option in the Pinegrow plugin which I guess is for this reason. The thing is you may be working on other parts of the site at the same time for e.g editing the templates in Bricks Builder or Oxygen and creating the blocks with the Pinegrow plugin concurrently and that puts you back in the staging or local site build environment.

The odd thing here is that you can export and import the Pinegrow created block. I haven’t got my head around it quite yet since Pinegrow is a new workflow for me for the creation of Gutenberg blocks. Working on the live site only with the plugin isn’t sounding right to me.

I can’t speak to how the Pinegrow licensing engine works but in contrast when I had posted a similar question to Cwicly they just added the cloudways domain to their exclusion list. Cloudways is one of the more popular hosts so I’d expect if the request was for a lesser known host it wouldn’t have been entertained.

Food for thought!

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