Tailwind css grid: why is text moving up the page into other grid rows as the size of the screen increases?

Slowly figuring out how to use css grid within tailwind. Unfortunately, it seems that items are not staying in their rows. As the screen grows bigger between breakpoints, an item (text, for example) will climb up into the next higher row and sit on top of the text or photo that is supposed to precede it. I’m sure I’m doing something wrong. Any idea what?

Hi @TLCBoudoir
This issue might be with how the grid is defined or how content sizes are managed. Check that your grid has explicit rows and columns using classes like grid-rows-* and grid-cols-*. Ensure that items do not overflow their cells, overflow-hidden, or setting fixed row/column sizes.

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That was it exactly. Sorry to be so slow to respond, but thanks for the help.

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