TailwindCSS v4 Support ? > Answered

Hi there,

Let me share some context about Tailwind CSS v4 integration in Pinegrow.
You’re right that Tailwind CSS v4.0 was officially released on January 22, 2025 - about 3 weeks ago.

What sets Pinegrow apart is that we don’t simply implement framework support - we create sophisticated visual design tools that seamlessly integrate with these frameworks. Our Design Panel, component system, and visual editing capabilities require careful development and testing to ensure they work flawlessly with new framework versions.

We’re actively working on Tailwind CSS v4 integration and testing various features to maintain the high-quality experience our customers expect.

In the meantime, Tailwind CSS v3 remains fully supported and production-ready in Pinegrow. Many major companies and projects continue to use v3 in production while planning their v4 migration (or not).

Thanks for your feedback on our communication. We’ll make sure to keep our website updated with clearer information when our update is available with this version.

Feel free to reach out if you have any other questions!

Best regards,