The use programm in Windows10

Hi all. Some time ago, after working with the project does not close the main program window. I have to close the program via the program Manager. Last version Windows10. Test please.

Works fine for me. I have had it running on all the versions of Windows 10 from last November until now. Current Windows 10 Pro Creators Update with all the updates. You may want to reinstall the program, something may have become corrupted or restart your computer first and see if that helps the situation and if not uninstall then reinstall.

I also worked until I started to use projects. Previously used the program only for editing individual files from folders. Now, after editing, close the window with file, close the project, and the program window does not close. In any case, it turns out that there is instability. Came to me, there will be others under certain conditions.

I opened a project. Did some editing. Saved the file… Closed the file. Closed the Project. Closed Pinegrow. It shutdown normally. I did it 3 times with same result.

Have you tried reinstalling Pinegrow?

How big is your project? How many files did you have open at one time?

What are your system specs? CPU, RAM, HD Space etc…

I’m sorry, but I need to know you are a developer pinegrow? Why are you wasting my time to explain not the developer? Not re-installed the program. My computer is all right. CPU - i7 of the 7th generation, 8GB RAM, ssd. The problem appears when we work only with the project, just had to edit a separate file, all well closed.

You do realize you posted your problem to a peer to peer user support forum don’t you?

If you need Pinegrow technical support you need to contact them directly through their support system.

I was trying to help you, I do not experience the same issue you are and I do also use projects in Pinegrow.

Hi Scorp. I appreciate that it can be frustrating when something isn’t working as expected but @Terry44’s reply is perfectly valid and it is a step the developers will ask you to do so I think it was good advice that he gave you. Maybe you already did what he suggested and it seems pointless to you to have someone say to you but if that is the case then it would be of more assistance if you could relate that and then the members of this forum could try and further assist with the issue. We’re all Pinegrow users here and we’re here to get and give help where we can and if we can be of any assistance we’ll do our best. The dev team do read the topics here but mostly it is a community effort to support each other and find solutions. As Terry44 said you also have the option of contacting support, details can be found here