Topics in Geman

is it possible to ask questions in german?

Welcome to the forum @frankdarwin. Well you could, @Thomas may respond or even others? But most forum users would probably need to use translation German to English in order to respond. :wink:

There are a couple of German speakers on the forum. Meine Frau ist Deutsche und ich kann es lesen, aber schreiben und sprechen … nicht so toll. Best I can say is give it a shot in German and then if we need clarification to answer we will ask.

I think indeed, that my german is slightly better than my english.

However I’d never answer in german, cause I think it would be outermost impolite against all the others (who would then have to do a google translate or similar). A forum is a helpful place for all - and it is based and agreed on english - for all.

Another point to remember is, that the underlie language for HTML, CSS and JS is english. So why having a cross-babylonic language mix.



Hi Thomas,
I agree with you.
English is the language in IT. Why I ask for German support is quite simple. It is easier to describe a question or problem in your mother tongue than in a foreign language. I hope that there will be fewer questions and misunderstandings. I can live with English, but I just wanted to facilitate communication when I have questions.

@frankdarwin, Dein Englisch klingt gut, lauf damit. :wink: