When creating WordPress Blocks with Tailwind, we’re using tailwind_theme/tailwind_for_wp_editor.css to have those block designs reflected in the WordPress Editor (set using ‘Editor stylesheet 1’).
However, tailwind_theme/tailwind_for_wp_editor.css also removes the text formatting in WP Editor.
How do you correct tailwind_theme/tailwind_for_wp_editor.css to show the text as it would appear naturally in the WordPress editor when tailwind_theme/tailwind_for_wp_editor.css is not applied?
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Here is how the content in the WordPress Editor changes when enabling and disabling the ‘Use theme styles’ under WordPress Editor Preferences.
Gutenberg Blocks created by Pinegrow display correctly when enabling ‘Use theme styles’.
Gutenberg Blocks does not display correctly when disabling ‘Use theme styles’.
Formatted Text created in WordPress does not display correctly when enabling ‘Use theme styles.’
Formatted Text created in WordPress display correctly when enabling ‘Use theme styles’.
Is there a bug that Gutenberg Blocks and Formatted Text displays differently when using tailwind_theme/tailwind_for_wp_editor.css in the ‘Editor stylesheet 1’ setting for Pinegrow WordPress Theme Settings, or am I possibly missing a step?
For my Tailwind CSS Options, I am using the ‘Built-in JIT Compiler (3.2.1)’. See the screenshot below. Does anyone else have experience dealing with this issue?
It looks like tailwind’s Preflight (Preflight - Tailwind CSS ) is affecting your editor styles. There are a few ways around it such as disabling preflight completely, using prose and not-prose classes, or getting crazy with your css.
I also covered this in a recent video. Pinegrow Countdown: Day 4 – WordPress Blocks and Themes - Peak Performance Digital