Validator link problems?

I’ve looked up the Showing results for - Nu Html Checker errors below but gotten nowhere. Help please.

    Error: Bad value _pg_blank for attribute target on element a: Reserved keyword pg_blank used.

    From line 23, column 21; to line 23, column 79

              <a href="#graphic" target="_pg_blank" class="link-primary">Graphi

    Error: Bad value from McGraphics site for attribute href on element a: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.

    From line 62, column 33; to line 62, column 145

              <a class="nav-link px-lg-3 py-lg-4 text-white" href=" from McGraphics site">Contac

    Error: Bad value _pg_blank for attribute target on element a: Reserved keyword pg_blank used.

    From line 85, column 29; to line 85, column 75

          <h4><a class="h3" href="#works" target="_pg_blank">Prices

    Error: Bad value for the attribute xmlns (only permitted here).

    From line 118, column 102; to line 118, column 225

     href="#"><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" width="1.25em" height="1.25em" class="me-1">↩     

    Warning: Attribute xmlns is not serializable as XML 1.0.

    From line 118, column 102; to line 118, column 225

     href="#"><svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="currentColor" width="1.25em" height="1.25em" class="me-1">↩     

    Error: Bad value _pg_blank for attribute target on element a: Reserved keyword pg_blank used.

    From line 186, column 41; to line 186, column 142

              <a href="#" class="list-group-item list-group-item-action list-group-item-primary" target="_pg_blank">Choose

    Error: Bad value for bid or commission for attribute href on element a: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.

    From line 268, column 29; to line 268, column 203

              <a class="nav-link px-lg-3 py-lg-4 text-dark text-uppercase" href=" for bid or commission" style="font-family: 'Sora', sans-serif;">Contac

Hi @kat,
The first question is whether or not the indicated links work as expected? If the answer is yes, you can probably ignore the validator.

If you really want to fix the spaces issue, change the spaces in the subject to %20, so subject=Mail%20from%20McGraphics%20site.

For the target of the link, I’ve never seen it added as _pg_blank. How did you add the target attribute?

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How do I set color bands in css.grid to go completely across? is this an absolute inside relative div thing?

<a href="#" class="list-group-item list-group-item-action list-group-item-primary" target="_pg_blank">Choose the best image you have</a>
I suspect I picked this up from codepen.
Weird- <a> with #s when there will never be links.
File contains both Bootstrap & Foundation - ugh.
Screen Shot 2022-02-12 at 4.51.44 PM

Hi @kat,
I’m not quite sure about your question. I would need to see a little more HTML. Can you change each of the <a> to <div>?

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Really not an issue. It seems to work. But I did <a> to <div> - didn’t work and tried removing 1 href="#". That didn’t break anything.
<div class="list-group"><a class="list-group-item list-group-item-action list-group-item-primary">Choose the best image you have<a href="#" class="list-group-item list-group-item-action list-group-item-warning">Remember this is what the artist will work from.</a><a href="" class="list-group-item list-group-item-action list-group-item-success">Email jpgs and a bit about the model to Kat</a> </div>

I’m trying to control color bands within css-grid. When I try the color doesn’t go the full width. Seems to be controlled by the text.

About the HTML validation:

Remove xmlns="" from the 2 svg’s on the page

Choose the best image you have must be:
Choose the best image you have</a>

   <div class="list-group"><a href="#" class="list-group-item list-group-item-action list-group-item-info">Choose the best image you have<a href="#" class="list-group-item list-group-item-action list-group-item-warning">Remember this is what the artist will work from.</a><a href="" class="list-group-item list-group-item-action list-group-item-success">Email jpgs and a bit about the model to Kat</a>
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What am I doing wrong using Report URI: SRI Hash Generator
#1.“The hash in the ‘integrity’ attribute doesn’t match the received payload.”

<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>

Added sri and got

"Cross-origin resource needs a 'crossorigin' attribute to be eligible for integrity validation.","source": "Microsoft Edge Tools
 `<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha256-zePDrcObJOtoXXDvlFeSsmyEsyebW7w0z0+6Ib1jHIw= sha384-XV2MpON+ZNIoHDmW4JVKzJPBvK3GRDTNa1hr4vR5pIsyndp7TgpsxaqsSNXl3ipN sha512-g08ZhIpNeyKRbfYQnq1MKgo2fwCPFP87/Aa+7HT2X2o1izGmjhb/pqNjk4tH6HyZTaHyfJ09uNANgwwmTGphVQ==" crossorigin="anonymous">

Hi @kat,
Your second link looks perfect. The only thing I can think is that there is a quote missing somewhere, but it sure doesn’t look like it. Maybe try with just one sha to see if it validates?

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Why is waiting for fontawesome waiting?
Screen Shot 2022-02-15 at 11.37.56 AM

Got MSE errors down to two. Clarification please on how I find one sha?

<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
    <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha256-zePDrcObJOtoXXDvlFeSsmyEsyebW7w0z0+6Ib1jHIw= sha384-XV2MpON+ZNIoHDmW4JVKzJPBvK3GRDTNa1hr4vR5pIsyndp7TgpsxaqsSNXl3ipN sha512-g08ZhIpNeyKRbfYQnq1MKgo2fwCPFP87/Aa+7HT2X2o1izGmjhb/pqNjk4tH6HyZTaHyfJ09uNANgwwmTGphVQ==" crossorigin="anonymous"> -->
    <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha256-zePDrcObJOtoXXDvlFeSsmyEsyebW7w0z0+6Ib1jHIw= sha384-XV2MpON+ZNIoHDmW4JVKzJPBvK3GRDTNa1hr4vR5pIsyndp7TgpsxaqsSNXl3ipN sha512-g08ZhIpNeyKRbfYQnq1MKgo2fwCPFP87/Aa+7HT2X2o1izGmjhb/pqNjk4tH6HyZTaHyfJ09uNANgwwmTGphVQ==" crossorigin="anonymous"> -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.copy.css" type="text/css"/>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
    <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha256-b1apTkZtENPykPSCMvHOBWWo0YkGxYtnJDIn4RpPz7w= sha384-JxZ6EUc+Uif6CSCPT5AWmPSKj8kCcC4nlLxScKXpRGv7wchXR/JRb2dDGg72FUVb sha512-WPrGwI4it68NEr6kb3AIHp/CnL2Gz0u63qevDJJnTfte7WK5GpVaguDauMS3jz2c5pGctoarP34qvqq/ODMc1g==" crossorigin="anonymous"> -->
    <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" href=""/> -->
    <!-- BELOW IS OK -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha256-ogmFxjqiTMnZhxCqVmcqTvjfe1Y/ec4WaRj/aQPvn+I= sha384-7vUZJTb1kX9GVspgWpJvPidpGgK+CUj8sZ+ythNth3U9rfP7LZBjJZrXJQawiG+l sha512-dMUQinc1gbNb95AFtKtP4q/g56T8r9oDxlWy0hrHyzfUbMq/vQztAqaR/FDY/bY0R1Ikc30aq94jyQH2Ix++ug==" crossorigin="anonymous">

Hey @kat,
I have no idea why fontawesome is waiting. You can check the network tab in the Developer’s tools for some hints.

For the integrity attribute each of the different encodings (sha’s) are separated by a white space and start with shaXXX- Do the first one in your code above is sha256-, the next is sha384- and the last is sha512-.

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1, 2, or 3 sha didn’t work. Time to let this one go for now. It’ll work later–maybe ; )

Different VSC html file: MSE dev tools now has a ul error: <ul> and <ol> must only directly contain <li>, <script> or <template> elements. What am I doing wrong?

<container class="navBar">
     <div class="navLinks">
            <li><a href="#" aria-label="Home">Home</li>
            <li><a href="#" aria-label="About Us">About Us</a></li>
            <li><a href="#" aria-label="Menu">Menu</a></li>
            <li><a href="#" aria-label="Specials">Specials</li>
            <li><a href="#" aria-label="Orders">Orders</li>
            <li><a href="#" aria-label="Smoking">Smoking</a></li>
         <div class="social"></div>
         <div class="logo">BBQ Smokes</div>

Hi @kat,
It looks to me like some of your link elements aren’t fully closed. - Home, Special, Orders.

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