Froala block a rock a loo.
Now I might just make a plain Froala.index.html page with just the buttons.
so I need to find the media query that shrinks down the nav to the hamburger, overide that in the css and bingo, and navigable Froala page for Pinegrow Library.
not sure where that pesky media query is for the size of Librarywindow in PG, standard 3col layout.
probably in BS
so this is what I did in order to get that simpler view in the Library panel for Froala Blocks.
I used PG to do this, so used PG to customise its own LIbrary View.
so download the Froala zip and unzip wherever you are going to keep it, in order to use it in your library view after. If you move the unzipped files after adding them to the Library panel, well, they will be a big 404.
then navigate to that directory and do the following:-
Open index.html and save as Froala.html - this is JUST so. you see Froala in the Library tab.
Leave the default index.html incase you need it later, and when adding the library page to Pinegrow as per the PG vid, use this new Froala.html instead of contact.html shown there. -this new page will be what you view in the library panel.
Move navigation section up to just below the h1 heading in the tree.
Remove the p.lead blurb
remove background image
In Pinegrow , ctrl or cmd F and find the line
<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-md">
And REMOVE the -md.
This disables the navigation responsiveness in small/all screens - or not, test on others and modify, improve and post here.

- Save.
You have now created your own, much improved Froala Blocks interface, which you can view on the standard PG 3 col workspace, without undocking library panel and expanding and use THIS in order to carry on doing the Froala Blocks Tutorial if you are stuck on one smaller screen/laptop.
REMEMBER to Alt + Click the buttons for selecting to work, or otherwise, you just get some funky button colour action instead.
N.B, just remember to use the back arrow top left, to return to this library category view, once you have selected a different page and finished what you wanted to do.
And a final Caveat is that at this, narrow library view… some of the Froala features look, well, pretty dire, so youd have to expand them, or view them online on the freola site to see what they actually looked like anyway, without undocking and expanding the library view massively.
ie, the
category… really not a happy place to be at this size.