Problem with Pinegrow/Atom integration

I’ve just started using Pinegrow (OS X 10.11.6) & was interested to use the new Atom integration, but it’s not working.

When I follow the instructions the Pinegrow package in Atom reports “Unable to connect to Pinegrow at http://localhost:40001/editor.

I have previously changed the Pinegrow port, so I’ve changed it back to 40001 and restarted, but still get the same error. I’ve upgraded to Pinegrow 2.9.2, uninstalled/re-installed the package in Atom, and tried the following settings for the Pinegrow web server:


The Development Tools console reports that the server is starting correctly, but I can’t access /editor directly in a browser either.

Any ideas on what I’m doing wrong?


Ha - I just found the problem myself.

In the package settings within Atom the “Pinegrow url with port” was set to http://localhost:40000 even though the error was reporting port 40001. I’ve changed this in the settings and it’s now working.


Great :slight_smile:

Atom setting should be the same as is shown in Pinegrow -> Support -> Show API url.


I have also found out that the “Unable to connect to Pinegrow at http://localhost:40001/editor” appears if PineGrow is not running. Thus, the solution is to run PineGrow before running ATOM.

hey i got same problem uper please help me