Can I use Handlebars, mustache and etc?

Hi everyone,
I am new to Pinegrow, but an experienced programmer and I’m psyched that Atom integrates so well!! Can I use various templating engines like Handlebars or Mustache? I’m not sure how to set this up. Any help is greatly appreciated.


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Documentation says no, from Working with pages | Pinegrow Web Editor

Supported file formats

At the moment only HTML is officially supported. Opening and editing handlebars templates, PHP, ColdFusion, ASP and similar files can have unpredictable consequences and can even lead to corrupted code.

We’ll be adding support for additional formats in the future.

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I was curious if you have had any success with incorporating templates into Pinegrow work flow?

I’ve been doing so for a about a year now with some success.
The key to success with this is a javascript “replace” script that fixes [handlebars] syntax that the Pinegrow editor changes before saving. To remedy this, your template code will need to go through the “replace” procedures.

Have a look at it here… Just a small bit of code can fix what the editor takes out.(syntactical slash characters)

I really enjoy Pinegrow editor far above the rest I’ve tried, and would love to see further support of various templating options in the future.

Downside to it is the templating markup is in plain view on the WYSIWYG view, as it’s markup has yet to be rendered.

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