Changing the Page HTML data on a child page-Solved

So i have a 3-page website.
The index page is my master page and 2 other pages that are using index page as their master.
The problem I am facing is that on the other 2 (“child”) pages I am not able to change the page HTML data like title, description, keywords and author.

Any hint?

Many thanks in advanced

I had to add index htm as an edible component as well.

you can just add the attributes you want to edit, rather than the whole page…

i think making index.html editable defeats the purpose of having a master page, doesn’t it?

Guess you are right. I was following the old vidio tutorial on working with master pages and they added the whole index.html as master and then created a main container so that under that container they placed the “editable content”. Doing this left me without a chance to edit the “child pages” about.html page description, title and keywords as it was been hard enherited from the index.html, so i had to go back to index page and make the html.index file editable.

this is how mine looks.

the title and meta attributes are editable so i can have them different on each page, but if i were to update/change my favicon (say), then it would still propagate to all my pages.

same with stuff in the header or footer, i only make the main_content div editable.

So the key here is to make just the meta attributes editable… got it.
Thanks. I will try this.

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Do you have any idea why upon applying a master page to another page its content just disappears (or deleted and what it does is just copy my index master page as is?
I just need my header and footer to be mirrored.
This is how my master page looks like.

On the other pages, I just set it to use the master page but as soon as I update, the master page replaces all of my content.

Any hint would be much appreciated.


it looks like it should work with your “main” being editable, i would double check the actions tab to make sure the “inner content” box is checked… as so

beyond that, you may be in a form of versioning hell where some of what you are looking at is out of date… best practices is save/all early and often with all the pages OPEN in PG… here’s a thread on it below.

adding components and how they are updating can also affect things in unexpected ways.

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Thanks man. I am troubleshooting.

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