Creating website specific CSS / JS files

Hi Michel,

That’s a very time consuming methode you are using!

For best SEO practices you are better of using a build system for Bootstrap. It integrates perfect in Pinegrow. (read the stuff about browser sync etc. Add using "localhost" as a testing server to accommodate a working preview - #37 by mxs ) by @Emmanuel But that’s just part of it!
Build tools · Bootstrap v4.6
Customize bootstrap 4 (sass) w/ gulp | by Pure Danger | Medium tutorial!

That way you can choose from the beginning what to use and what not. It can always be changed when ever you want and you have full control over the CSS and JavaScript. You save bandwidth from the beginning. Every part of Bootstrap has it’s own CSS and JavaScript. Its all written in separate files and all you have to do is point out to your build system what file you want represented in the main file. You can download the developers version on the Bootstrap website.

The SASS part can be done in Pinegrow by clicking Page > “Customize and update Bootstrap theme” after opening a Bootstrap 4 project.

But I wonder do you use images with <picture> and <srcset> and jpg with webp fallback in your websites, because then we are really talking about saving MB’s instead of some KB’s for a couple of text files. When you are still using only one image for all devices you have to consider the use of <picture> and <srcset> and webp!

Then a important question to ask is: Do I need a dynamic website (WordPress etc.), because 9 out of 10 we don’t need that as well! There is a static Pinegrow CMS for clients that want to edit their own website.

You say the Purify plugin doesn’t function on large sites (you have the paid version!?). I hope you contacted Bob about it to figure out what the problem is and to update the plugin. It’s a smart guy and you only have to explain the exact problem to him so he is able to fix the problem.



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