Dreamweaver 2017 final

I desire for Pinegrow to have as many paying customers as possible. It will only enhance and propel the platforms ability moving forward and benefit the entire Pinegrow community in the long run. So yeah don’t be selfish, I want this Pine to Grow as much as possible, we will all benefit.

Pinegrow is built using NW.js , so it’s UI interface is based on common web standards HTML/CSS/JS/etc. Thus its pretty simple (relatively speaking) to rethink and redesign the UI. However with good UI / UX you really have to understand the best way for users to input and interact with information, it’s structure, organization and segmentation with in the app.

@Matjaž and the Pinegrow team have an overall better vision than Adobe IMHO. I have a tremendous amount of respect and admiration for @Matjaž and what he has thus far accomplished, the Pinegrow story is truly amazing.

Somewhat ironically, given Dreamweaver has Brackets and other facets now rolled into it, Dreamweaver is seemingly trying to be more like Pinegrow actually. Perhaps that’s totally inadvertently but it’s rather amusing just the same. I am sure they are well aware of Pinegrow and it’s powerful features over there.

Pinegrow will only get better. :wink: