Enormous stylesheets list

See attachment., this is only the half of my style sheet list, ( approx. 150 ) is there a way to clean this list. most probably this list became so long of my many trails.
i have tried the option clear unused edits, without succes.

its verry hard to find any setting in this list

Hi @alextrebus,
What are you trying to accomplish? Most of those sheets shouldn’t be directly edited since a Bootstrap update would overwrite any changes.

Hi Bob I would like to magnify the font in the top menu
specialy for mobile xs and sm
have a look at https://trebus.com
regards Alex

Hi @alextrebus,
I think your best bet would be to add a custom class with media query to that link. I don’t think Bootstrap 5 has a sizing utility for something like display-1 which would be larger.
If you decide to change the h1 class sizing, just be aware that it will change the h1 sizing throughout the project no matter the page width. To do this you would open the stylesheets dropdown as you did above, then select the _variables.scss sheet. From this sheet scroll down to the font sizes section and select the $h1-font-size and duplicate it to your custom.scss sheet (or just type the variable name into your sheet). Then change the size to whatever you would like. Usually anything you want to change will be on the variables sheet and you always want to duplicate it back to your custom .scss sheet so it doesn’t get overwritten. There are also ways that you could get fancy with SASS. Not sure of the amount of effort you want to put in.