Experienced programmers using Pinegrow

Hi all,

I just started to try-out Pinegrow to see if this could be a solution for our webdevelopment company. I would like to come in contact with experienced programmers who use Pinegrow in there workflow.

I have always been really reluctant on using visual builders like pinegrow, because I believe that most of them just add extra code that isn’t needed when soly programming by hand. However Pinegrow markets itself that it’s not doing that so I’m willing to give it a try.

As I said earlier I would like to get in touch with experienced programmers or agencies who use Pinegrow. At the moment this would be developers who are using wordpress as a CMS and build there html (and theme) with pinegrow.

I would like to have a quick view in your code to see who Pinegrow rendered the whole thing.

Are you such a person? Comment below with a website that you created with Pinegrow.


Hi @Yatsuba have you looked here https://forum.pinegrow.com/c/showcase

I don’t use Wordpress, but the sites I’ve built with Pinegrow using the Bootstrap framework produce perfectly semantic code. Best I’ve ever seen from a “builder” although I see Pinegrow more as a HTML/CSS editor.

Simple example


Hi Rob,

I’ve been through the showcase forum. But most of it is outdated or doesn’t meet my ‘standards’.

Here’s a link to a website run by a Pinegrow user (@benhanna) which you might find very useful, gives a very good idea of the potential of Pinegrow.

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If you’ve downloaded the try-out, it should be immediately obvious just by adding some components and looking at the generated code, that Pinegrow produces clean, semantic code. I’ve been building sites for ten years, and Pinegrow is the only program I’ve come across that gives you total flexibility to build or edit sites however you like, without adding anything unwanted. You can go as simple or as complex as you want, and this doesn’t change.

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I’m 100% in agreement with @Printninja on this one, PG does an incredible job on clean code.

Last year i posed myself the same question because I hate unecessary/unclean code too. I hate it so much that sometimes I even manually delete the few not-invasive autogenerated (and clean) PG html comments tag :sweat_smile:…after trying an old version found it online I bought the Pro version and I’ve just renewed my license a couple of days ago.
I’m a privacy freak so no examples for you which points to me :wink:
Sorry about that.
You can just give a try with a monthly subscription I guess.

By the way…great support too.


You have a valid concern, but I wouldn’t call this a visual builder per se, especially when there are actual visual builders out there, such as Divi, Elementor, and the like. I use this program daily and have since late 2016, if my memory recalls. It’s grown a lot and one of the strengths is clean code. I use it as a visual reference, but it’s really not capable of being a visual builder, but more of a transpiler for me. I develop WordPress sites, and for those clients who can afford the “made from scratch” experience, and also when working as a subcontractor for other development agencies, I use Pinegrow because we see the benefit in having more control over a WordPress build.

For example, tagging inline PHP and knowing where in the code to make changes to a function, query, or custom code without having to dig through Underscores templates. I originally trained to build WordPress sites from scratch using Underscores, but it’s just too time-consuming now for someone like myself who subcontracts out only when needed, but does most of the work on incoming projects. I don’t have time to play with Underscores templates and modify everything, so I use Pinegrow to build in Bootstrap or Foundation, test that template, and the start the PHP injections. I use PHPStorm with Pinegrow and I’ve become accustomed to not having the live update like with Atom, and that’s okay, because clearly the developers are not seeing the benefit in making a plugin to connect PHPStorm, despite it’s direct support of WordPress and also that most major firms use it for PHP development (I hope they read this). Otherwise, this works like a charm.

Use Pinegrow as a transpiler and as a tool for DOM inspection and manipulation, that’s what it’s good at. As far as a visual builder? The developers of this just need to stop, we don’t need another Wix tool, and as a professional, I would consider dumping this product if they continue down that road. We need a good tool to act as a development framework, for both WordPress and non-WordPress projects, not another “I can’t code but can make great websites” product. That annoys me more than anything.

Here’s a code example… I’m not sure why people don’t want to post it, as it’s not a security breach unless we’re sharing things in functions.php or database configurations. This example is from a recently deployed project (https://josedelgado.realty) that uses an index.php page for the blog. It was a good start for this client and he wanted a “from the ground up” approach and we have many items that will be developed further by spring, to include enhanced styling, IDX integration, and some blog style and functionality updates.

get_header( 'front-page' ); ?>

<section class="delgado-blog" id="blogindex">
    <div class="row">
            	$paged = ( get_query_var( 'paged') ) ? get_query_var( 'paged') : 1;
            	$allblogs_query_args = array(
            	'post_type' => 'post',
            	'posts_per_page' => '6',
            	'paged' => $paged,
            	'page' => '1',
            	'ignore_sticky_posts' => true,
            	'order' => 'DESC',
            	'orderby' => 'date'
        <?php $allblogs_query = new WP_Query( $allblogs_query_args ); ?>
        <?php if ( $allblogs_query->have_posts() ) : ?>
            <div class="container">
                <?php while ( $allblogs_query->have_posts() ) : $allblogs_query->the_post(); ?>
                    <article id="mainBlog">
                        <div class="col-sm-4 postGridSpacing">
                            <a href="<?php echo esc_url( the_permalink() ); ?>"><h1 class="blogindex-header text-center"><?php the_title(); ?></h1></a>
                            <h5 class="blogindex-meta-date text-center"><?php echo get_the_time( 'F j, Y' ) ?></h5>
                            <a href="<?php echo esc_url( the_permalink() ); ?>"> <?php
                                    if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) {
                                        the_post_thumbnail( 'Blog Index', array(
                                    	'class' => 'blogindex-featured img-responsive'
                                    ) );
                                 ?> </a>
                            <h5 class="blogindex-meta-main text-center"><?php _e( 'Posted in', 'delgado' ); ?> <span class="metaindex-category"><?php the_category( ', ' ); ?></span></h5>
                            <p class="blog-index-excerpt text-center"><?php echo wp_trim_words(get_the_content(), 45, '...'); ?></p>
                <?php endwhile; ?>
                <?php wp_reset_postdata(); ?>
        <?php else : ?>
            <p><?php _e( 'Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.', 'delgado' ); ?></p>
        <?php endif; ?>
        <div class="col-sm-12">
            <div class="text-center">
                <?php wp_bootstrap_pagination( array(
                    	'custom_query' => $allblogs_query
                ) ); ?>

I hope this helps… and I hope that the developers are paying attention to the needs of the community. There’s a lack of PHP functionality and integration capabilities, and I’ve been screaming about this for a while, such as the lack of additional parameters for a query and the inclusion of the necessary $paged variable and parameters for pagination use. These are essential and not optional, and they’ve continued to leave them out, which forces you to go in and manually update that query every time you make another minor change. And custom PHP code inclusion is still in its infancy, because it’s very cumbersome to work with for complex coding and multiple inline PHP statements don’t stack properly, so you still have to do them by hand at times. Overall, it saves me a ton of time to use this versus going back to Underscores.

Hi dcneuts,

Finally a decent reply. I already thought there where no real developers who use Pinegrow.

I’m still working out to get pinegrow embedded in my workflow, but until now it’s just a pine in the ass.

So for now I will only do some test with it alongside my current workflow.

Your reply made things a little clearer to me, and as you said I’m not looking for another page builder and like you I’m afraid that it will go down this road.

Anyway, thank you for your reply it shows there is a developing community within the whole Pinegrow community.



The reality is that there are a lot of experienced/professional developers who use Pinegrow on a daily basis, in web agencies, as freelancers etc… but while many people never hesitate to claim the use of complex software and processes based on scripts and other twisted recipes, too few people communicate about the fact that they use our application to do the job. Go figure:)


Obviously, I’m not a professional, cause I neither use a CMS nor do I use the common frameworks (I developed my own) - so I can’t speak for anything mentioned above. All I do is writing strong copy text for my clients which usually doesn’t require much or any action from client’s side.

PG is, as Derek already stated more to be seen as visual supported code-editor rather than being a “visual builder”. This is just because PG handles native code and does not have any inbuilt pre or post processor.
My low insight allows me to state a pretty nice code (created by me), without unnecessary code injects (as long as I’m aware of what I’m doing).

There are some PG internal things though - such as you can define a “name shown in DOM tree”. But that’s optional. It simply creates a

data-pg-name: whatever

for a nicer read in Pinegrow.

It’s a perfect fit into my workflow which persists of Pinegrow - done!

In some rare cases, I’ve CodeKit in use which does the concatenating, compiling and compressing work regarding JS - all the stuff a part-time code affine person does - nothing serious.

Whenever I inspect a WordPress’ (or other CMS)PHP flavoured code, I often think “wow - how professional is this - let me get there as well?” But that’s me - a simple non professional who loves to talk about Pinegrow. Because it’s worth for.



If you have a client, you’re a professional.


Not if you’re hired to fix the garbage that these “professionals” crank out. Having a client means that you know marketing better than someone else, that’s all. Many in this field claim to have experience, hoping they will learn on the job, and it causes too many problems. I see it all the time with private clients and especially as a subcontractor to other agencies, and most definitely with offshore work for cheap. Just tired of it.

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Can we get some live update support for PHPStorm next, and also more support for PHP pagination functions? That would be particularly awesome.