For..... when You're having one of *those moments*...Creativity crisis/frustration/angst

here ya go!

6 years old and still relevent
of course…as its to do with human nature…


I’m still going through this and I’m wondering whether I will ever get past it… One of the most frustrating things, i find, about this is when I outdo myself. I mean, it is nice when it happens and I’m happy for a while but after that initial phase of euphoria, I start to realize that I won’t be able to consistently hit that same standard. So when I do this for a client, or some volenteer project, I have to deal with one, maybe two of these designs being head and shoulders above the others I create in that same project. This irks me to no end… So here I hope this will at one time just subside and I will be able to produce designs that meet my personal standards and do so consistently.

Like with the clients themselves…

“What’s the only thing you can expect from people without ever being disappointed sometime?”


That is a quote from… Me!
feel free to use it.

And yes… I took it that one stage further… unfortunately.

In the GOOD example, the peaks and troughs of creativity… the peaks get more, the troughs less, or not so deep…and eventually, more or less level out into a gently undulating plateau… and the level of this, above sea level, continues to elevate… SCORE!

or… gulp in my case… its been where, the peaks…er…stopped peaking…
The trough bottomed out somewhere alongside the Marianas trench… and I have a sub sea plateau…
With added squids…

(coincidentally I just learnt that there was an expedition to the bottom of the trench just a couple of weeks ago (care of wikipedia) - On 11 March 2021 a descent to the western pool was made by Victor Vescovo and marine botanist Nicole Yamase.)

So, Your ALREADY doing better than me :slight_smile:
BUT I’m getting my SCUBA kit and Creative ideas together and hopefully going for a swim again soon… If I could just make it sea level, I’ll be thrilled.

Just back to where the creatives hang out…

SO, well done, keep it up, your doing GREAT! :slight_smile:
and those peaks will start joining up :slight_smile:

I’m going to go for the one project a week thing… next week…
NO no no!
THIS WEEK :smiley: