How could pinegrow add and load the existing tailwind class in javascript?


How can I add tailwind classes to the “tailwind_theme/tailwind.css” that don’t exist in the html.

I see that Pinegrow is adding one by one the Tailwind classes that I use in the html but when using Javascript in a function that adds a tailwind class to a tag it does not exist in “tailwind_theme/tailwind.css”

sidebar.classList.add("sm:w-3/5", "lg:w-5/6");

How can I add a tailwind class in “tailwind_theme/tailwind.css” no matter it exists in the html or a tag uses it or not?

Hi @joserick,
Right now the JIT compiler that is used with the Design panel doesn’t accept additional files to be purged. This is a feature that should be coming out soon. Instead, for cases like this you will have to set-up an independant JIT instance and turn-off the Pinegrow instance from the compiler options in the Design panel.
Sorry for the inconvenience,