Thanks so much for working to improve the features between the Visual Tools and CSS workflows. This will really be beneficial for all users when visually styling as a failsafe regarding the presence of inline styles in projects.
I especially like the idea of toggling “Show only: Inline styles” in the Tree View Panel.
[ 1. ] Will doing so also visually toggle the other items on the live page - like via the “Hide / show in Pinegrow” ?
Basically like using the “Hide / show in Pinegrow” feature, but for everything that “does not” have inlines styles. That would likewise be beneficial as another visual representation method on the actual page itself.
Seems only logical, if you can utilize the hide/show feature and target the opposite collection of page items “without” inline styles via the “Show only: Inline styles”.
[ 2. ] Another minor suggestion that would prove to be beneficial, is to change the “stroke color” or “background color” of the “Class, ID, Selector Input” field to the UI orange also.
- If an Inline Style is present for the selected item then its orange:
- Otherwise if something is assigned it goes back the standard UI look:
This would provide another simple and elegant reminder for users to take action regarding input, while remaining appropriate to what you have shown via your screenshot.
** Thanks for taking those 2 suggestions into consideration. They seem like minor adjustments (UI and feature that already exists), each could further aid in strengthening this revision and enhancement of the workflow. ;–)
Since our last discussion in that other thread a year ago, I looked at other apps and how they handle things.
BlueGriffon for example puts a large bold color box around the input – but also actually locks the user out of doing anything further until they provide input.
Which is a very intrusive approach by them towards the user and general workflow. So obviously the Pinegrow approach you have shown is far superior, along with its overall visual tools and entire app by comparison.
@matjaz, this will really be nice revision for users and the Pinegrow visual workflow and interface.