Internal Pinegrow web server won't work

I made all the steps but it won’t work, its displaying “h1>404 - Not found</h1” in raw text.

I used Jekyll, Harp, Macaw, Sparckle web server and they all worked. They are all off now. Using OSX Yosemite.

Can you help debug this with me?

The 404 - Not found message actually indicates that the server is working and can be accessed.

The problem might be elsewhere:

  • Does PG have permissions to access the files you’re trying to open?
  • Does File -> New page work?

Any errors in File -> Dev. tools -> Console?

@csfalcao where are you saving your files before previewing them, does matter? So make sure where ever you save them, they are accessible to server Because as @matjaz said, 404 means the server is working but couldn’t find the file requested to load

How can I see that? I’m using ~username/sites folder

Does File → New page work?


Any errors in File → Dev. tools → Console?
Yes, cannot load google fonts api (page seem ok though)

Atom started to work after a reboot, but still display 404

Can you open the file in browser (not in PG) with File -> Open file?

If yes, what’s the URL you can see in the address bar?


@csfalcao kindly make it habit when developing websites don’t use spaces in file or folder names, that sometime leads to uncertain behavior of server as you can see showing %20 means there are spaces in names, I’m sure you will not find any website which uses spaces in folder and file names.

Thank You!

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You’re totally right.
Now it’s file:///Users/csfalcao/Desktop/index/index.html. The error message is still there.