Issues creating rules in CSS

After creating a new rule in CSS my style attribute then shows classes without rules as the rule I just created.

for example I create the rule - .body

It then shows classes without rules: body

I then check my css stylesheet and it has written the code as follows.

.body {

is this some sort of bug or is there something I am doing wrong?

Even after I edit the css stylesheet it still indicates that my class does not have rules.

Don’t know how/why you got this, but this code is invalid and the reason why Pinegrow do not recognize it correctly!

.body {

Change it to this, to make it valid (what you might already know):

.body {

The warning “classes without rules: body” shall disappear!

I reproduced the steps you described, and Pinegrow creates this for me which is correct and valid.

.body {

I don’t know why it went wrong with you! Maybe there is something wrong with other rules in your CSS file, and you have a } or { too much or is missing somewhere.

Maybe need to “refresh” or “reload” the CSS file, to show the changes.

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