I would be very happy to include Lottie files on the website. So far, there was the possibility to follow e.g. the tutorial at Creating interactive Lottie animations | Pinegrow Web Editor to add Lottie files in Pinegrow.
Unfortunately, this can not be done using the WordPress plugin, because WordPress disallows the upload of json files by default. Therefore, no path to the lottie file can be specified as shown in the tutorial.
Generally speaking, it would be great if we had a standard support for Lottiefiles, so that you can create a new block, upload an image, select the basic setting for the Lottiefiles (e.g. Loop, Autoplay, Renderer and co.) and then embed the json file, while the script-tag for Lottie library is created automatically.
Is that imaginable in Pinegrow? Alternatively, would there be another, manual way to include Lottiefiles or do we have to change WordPress upload guidelines or similar?
Thank you.