Quick Tutorial on lottie files and PG

Hello, I was wondering if someone in the team could make a little tutorial on how to work with Lottie files and PG. Perhaps show how you got the animation one the example page working…or how to trigger it work while scrolling. Nothing fancy, just as a guide. Thanks

The post here helped me to get it working:

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Thanks a lot!
I see they are working on a lottie tut. Great!

Hey @red-rosefields,
Sorry I missed your original post. The response I made up for @shutterlab should tide you over. I can confirm that the Lottie tutorial is done. Not sure when the ETA for the next newsletter/update is, but it will be fairly soon.

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I had in mind to do this tutorial separately but didn’t really got time. We’ve got the official tutorial in the newsletter now, you guys might have seen it.

But still I’d like to put the link here in case someone missed it Creating interactive Lottie animations | Pinegrow Web Editor