Making comments 'compliant' to be able to disable comments and add captcha

I’m trying to add google captcha to comments without success. Also - if I disable comments - they still appear.
Pinegrow renders the comment form with:

<?php comment_form(array('title_reply'=>'Leave a comment')); ?>

But this doesn’t create hooks such as:

do_action ( ‘comment_form_logged_in_after’ );
do_action ( ‘comment_form_after_fields’ );
do_action ( ‘comment_form’ );

So plugins - and wordpress itself, don’t act on the form. Enable/disable comments has no effect. Captcha plugins don’t work etc.

Can anyone help me with the right way to add comments with Pinegrow so that it renders in a ‘wordpress compliant way’ so plugins recognise the comments and can hook into them?
