Need Form information


I am using Pinegrow to help design/implement pages that will be used with Angular (7+) and Spring Boot applications. In order to do this properly, I will need to create and properly lay out a number of forms.

I am seeing, on the Internet and on the Pinegrow site, plenty of tutorials on the creation of contact forms – primarily for Wordpress (which does not work so well with either Angular or Spring Boot, hence my lack of interest in it). I have been unable to find information on how to make more generic forms with Pinegrow and (more importantly) how to use frameworks other than Wordpress to create such forms.

Can someone point me to information (preferably tutorials but any documentation is better than none!) on form creation with things like Bootstrap, Foundation, or Materialize? Anything using Tailwind would be good, too…

Hi @factor3,
So, in general, any form being presented by HTML is the same, whether for WordPress or any other “framework”. What typically differs is how the data is handled. For both Spring Boot and Angular, there is a lot of data/variables overlay onto the HTML, as well as integration of data routing.

There aren’t a lot of extra controls for Angular in Pinegrow, and none for Spring Boot, but most tutorials for these two frameworks will present just fine in Pinegrow. Since you don’t have any associated back-end, they won’t be fully functional. But, for example, this tutorial works pretty well on Pinegrow: Angular. As does the presentation of the form in this Spring Boot tutorial: Getting Started | Handling Form Submission
Overall, Pinegrow is pretty good right now for putting together the HTML/XML components of your project. However, putting the JavaScript portions of your project together and serving it all up either is easier or only possible with additional tools.

Greetings, RobM:

Actually, there would be no “controls” for Spring Boot, because Spring Boot is the back- end that an Angular UI (or even a plain HTML page) would “talk” to. It is the “associated back- end” that I have. I probably shouldn’t have mentioned it because as a Java- based back- end framework, I can run it like any other back end if I need my front- end to communicate with it. Because it is like any other back- end technology (like Perl, PHP, or Python) it really is irrelevant to this discussion. Sorry I even mentioned it.

What is relevant is the fact that Angular is a Typescript based framework that compiles down to some really oddly organized Javascript. It cannot be easily included in a Pinegrow project because HTML elements are incorporated into Angular components. Even the styling is not handled in a way that page designers are used to – though one good thing about Angular (v7+) is that it uses regular CSS styling and it can actually style SASS files without having to compile them into CSS.

What I was hoping was that someone might have known a way to integrate Angular components into a Pinegrowproject. This would be an excellent addition to Pinegrow’s capabilities and would be useful to many programmers like me who are really bad at web design :-). As it is, my only recourse is to create the page I want, then “chop it up” so that its parts can be placed into Angular components. I was hoping I woulldn’t have to do that, but oh well…

As for using Angular 1 (AngularJS): that is a technology that has been pretty much obsolete for several years. No one who uses any “modern” frameworks would ever use it, and personally when I tried it back in the early 2000s, I found it to be so krappy that it soured me on Angular until Angular 7 came out and I learned that it had been rewritten since Angular 2. It is nice that Pinegrow can be used with it, but for most up- to- date programmers it is pretty useless. It would be better if Pinegrow’s developers could create mechanisms to integrate components made in Angular 6+.