Pingrow 8.3 Pro, Browser Sync Issues

Hi All,

So I recently started using Pinegrow, and I got very used to using Browser Sync.
Now it doesnt work.

This is what I did.

Everything was working fine, I followed the instructions for installing on Windows. Built a Website. Everything was good up until…

  1. Setup/Installed BrowserSync while working on File Name Index.html.
  2. Started a new file named IndexBak.html in same Project Folder, I was working in this file prior to BrowserSync issues.
  3. I went to save the File AS, Index.html, an already existing file, Pinegrow ask if I wanted to save over the existing file Index.html and I said YES.

After this Browser Sync stopped working. Here are the issues:

  1. When starting Browser Sync… browser page opens but BrowserSync does not start when I click on Eyeball Icon.

  2. When I Run Command BrowserSync will start, webpage will display, changes I make DO NOT display in the Browser Sync webpage.

  3. I get orange error box: BrowserSync is not running on http://localhost:3000. Start it or switch off the sync in the top toolbar with (The Eyeball Icon). Image below.

  4. Under Support Tab, Show API URL it shows: Url for accessing Pinegrow API remotely is: Manually typing this in Browser I can see my webpage Im working on.

  5. BrowserSync Settings under the EYEBall Icon shows BrowserSync url is http://localhost:3000.

Any suggestions on how to deal with this BrowserSync Issue?

Im surprised simply renaming a file name over an existing one breaks BrowserSync?

Thankyou all in advance.
Im hoping my troubleshooting steps can be reproduced.

Hi @Ratfink
I’m quite new to Pinegrow and don’t user Browser Sync personally but here’s a link to some detailed instruction on setting it up which I found on the PG website. Hope it helps.