Replace new Line Character by \n in Java

Hello Everyone, I am facing some issues while I’m coding an IDE. Let’s say I have the Hello, World Pascal program on a string:

String sourceCode = "program Hello;\nbegin\nwriteln ('Hello, world.');\nend.";

If I do System.out.println(sourceCode); the output shows:

program Hello;
writeln ('Hello, world.');

reat, but I want to show new lines as \n . I tried:

sourceCode = sourceCode.replaceAll(System.lineSeparator(), "\\n");

But then System.out.println(sourceCode); outputs:

program Hello;nbeginnwriteln ('Hello, world.');nend.

How can I achieve that? Full demo:

public class PrintPascalHelloWorld {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String sourceCode = "program Hello;\nbegin\nwriteln ('Hello, world.');\nend.";
        sourceCode = sourceCode.replaceAll(System.lineSeparator(), "\\n");

Can anyone suggest me? I’m able to compile and run the program using by interviewbit online compiler.

Hi @ankitdixit,
Hopefully someone in the forum can help out, but I’m not sure this is the right place for this type of question. This forum is for questions, issues, and topics concerning the Pinegrow Web Editor.
Thanks for keeping it on topic,