Responsive Design

I want to know the best way to make responsive website , i 've seen many tutorials using grids columns and section , but which one i should use correctly?

In Bootstrap 5 the structure is simple:

<section class="mysection">
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12"><!--This is one big column of 12, but you could also do 2x6 or 3x 4-->
</div><!--closing col-md-12-->
</div><!--closing row-->
</div><!--closing container-->

There are premade elements and components for Bootstrap 5:

Always keep at least one page open to see the elements en components.

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Hi @HerrscherOfReason,
Do you want to use a framework, or just plain HTML? CSS Grid is really powerful and responsive. But as @AllMediaLab pointed out, Bootstrap (and Tailwind CSS) frameworks have some built-in classes for responsiveness. The answer to this question really depends on your starting point.

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Thanks @RobM @AllMediaLab , gonna see some examples of pre made Structure of websites to fullfill my needs.