Short impression of the amazing interactions plugin

Pinegrow Interactions don’t aim to be visual builder for GSAP.

PGIA’s utility is to easily and visually add interactions to a web project. If you need to further customize interactions, then PGIA is not the right solution for you.

Regarding licensing, we have a custom enterprise level agreement with GreenSock that allows our users to freely market their work that includes Pinegrow interactions, including selling their work in template marketplaces etc. GSAP standard business license doesn’t grant these rights. We want PGIA to come without any strings attached and are paying a significant recurring amount (based on the number of PGIA users) to license GSAP appropriately.

Re GSAP 3: We decided to go with GSAP 2, because of issues with the newly released GSAP 3. GSAP 3 was at 3.0.1 at the time of PGIA release. Now, it’s at 3.1.1. Most of what happened in between were bug fixes (as expected for such a massive rewrite). We will be moving to GSAP 3 soon.