Snapshots - just buying a pig in a poke?

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It’s “interesting” to see Snapshots released, but I can’t help but think that in its current form it’s hoping for a better editor than exists – certainly an editor that doesn’t exist within the Pinegrow stable.
It’s supposedly targeted at people who are non-code developers - like people in UX/UI who don’t have coding skills. Yet producing the modifications that such a person would desire would require WYSIWYG capabilities in Pinegrow, or whatever else the snapshots are to be used with - and this really misses all the “builders” - like CoffeeCup, Bootstrap Studio, Mobirise - which really leaves us needing “in house” code writing courses for everyone. Otherwise those “suggested modifications” like changing the size of headings - the given example - just couldn’t be done or easily communicated without all those emails the program is said to make unnecessary. That is, unless these easy “builder” elements are to be built into future versions of the application the promised benefits won’t be possible - if they are implemented, I’ll be happy - I bought the lifetime version, but why – hoping for future developments which might, or might not, eventuate. As I’ve suggested, that’s really buying a pig in a poke – some web program development tools have “roadmaps” of projected developments – this is sorely needed for this tool imho.

Please see my response to something similar, just a pro user, not a member of the PG team.

“pig in a poke!” – that about sums it up…

I bought it, but can’t for the life of me know how it would be any different than simply doing an ‘html page save-all’.

Or doing multiple saves and using something similar to a ‘fc.exe’ version control to see additions and deletions or changes.

I can even do a html copy by first selecting text in a browser with my cursor (or select-all), copy ctrl-c, and paste into ms-word and have the html formatting.

Honestly, it’s $20 with lifetime upgrades with implied promises… paraphrased narrative: 4 yrs ago was this web-editor and look at what it’s become. The few fortunate who bought in (lucked out) now have free lifetime updates.

I quite honestly did buy a pig in a poke! And we will see how far this can take us. I am hoping for the best and am along for the ride.

This also applies equally well to Theme Creator 'cause right now I don’t do anything WordPress! But, I’m along for the ride.

It’s sort of like investing in the stock market! Somebody could come along and develop these tools and give them away for free.

The only thing that I have to bank on is PG reputation from word-of-mouth from other forums. Everything I have heard is mostly good with a few bugs/troubles here and there.

We’ll see! I don’t expect I will be disappointed.

Well…exactly the same here!
My life is somewhat tangential at the mo, I had no real time to properly explore either
Wordpress Theme Converter

However, I bought both!
This is based on how I saw Pinegrow development unfold.
I still have 1.27 installed of PG web Editor… it is a somewhat sobering experience to compare their functionality.
I’m so lucky to have a lifetime licence for that that it seemed befitting to do the same for the other apps and support their development… :slight_smile:

Maybe one day I’ll do any of these apps proper justice.
…but right now, Im happy sat in fields with horses and avoiding people.


I’m with you on avoiding people…

We have 14 horses from 40-75 lbs. each, otherwise known as dogs but they are all part wolf except for two rescues.

Man, I’m telling you… sure wish I had known about PG and had a permanent license! If I get ticked off enough I’ll build my own… no joke!

I’m already not buying into PG/WP and sticking with PRO simply because I have PG/TC. Besides doesn’t make sense to add bloat to the app before I really learn it.

But why throw away money? I think TC will work the best anyway. With PG/WP the markup is inside the files. With TC the markup is kept in a separate file (according to what I have read).

I’d rather like the latter. And I’m thinking I can build my own blocks should the time come.

Also, just a quick glance inside TC gives me the impression that it might be valuable for helping to build PG-plugins. :wink: