Trial Version 7.93 Frequntly Freezes

Hello, I downloaded the trial version of Pinegrow 7.93 to try it out. It seems good though at random times it freezes. Only parts of it freeze - sometimes its the menu bar (File, Edit …etc) sometimes its an open panel and clicking or selecting items will do nothing.

Using Windows 11. Downloaded Trial Installer from official Pinegrow site. Excluded Pinegrow from Windows Defender Firewall block list - but issue persists.

Can you try opening the devtools with shortcut Ctrl+Shift+C (or right click on Pinegrow logo at top left, then inspect) and share any errors logged in the console (if any).

Hello TechAkayy thank you for the quick reply.

I did what you suggested - opened devtools with Ctrl + shift + C

On the right-most panel of devtools there are lines with marked by a orange triangle with an exclamation mark - all these are about webkit-touch-callout: none and webkit user select: none.

I attach a snip below:

That’s just css under the Elements tab. Please check the Console tab for logs.

Ok I opened the console tab. There seems to be numerous errors. So I’ve posted the snips of the code below. Its a very long list - I’m only allowed to embed one clip - but it’s most of the list.

These errors look harmless, file not found etc. You do have an invalid css file path to fix. Probably share the any other errors you can see other than these.

OK. I posted the top half of the list. (as I’m limited to one image per message).
I can see some uncaught errors in the second half.
Here it is:

That does look odd.

Can you please contact the support with all the details about your situation (Pinegrow version, Windows version and more) along with your shareable project (via dropbox or such service if huge) or reproduction so we can investigate with you?

Yes, I will do… Tomorrow, as it is now half-past midnight in England.
Thanks for looking at the issue.

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