Using tailwind to further develop my site. I have a simple site up, and want to improve it by using grids and flex to get larger screens to put text and photos side-by-side. The code I’ve written in pinegrow works great on its live visualization and when I hit the page preview button, but when I upload to the site, none of that coding seems to be applied. Beating my head against the wall.
Hi @TLCBoudoir
The first thing that comes to mind is a purge issue Tailwind might be stripping out the classes when building for production. It could also be a caching problem, a missing or incorrectly linked CSS file, JIT mode behaving differently on your server, or even dynamic class generation that Tailwind isn’t detecting, hard to figure it out without a link. I’d start by checking the purge settings first!
The easiest way to check if it’s a purge issue is to temporarily disable it in your tailwind.config.js file. Just set:
module.exports = {
purge: false,
Then rebuild your CSS and upload it again. If everything starts working as expected, it means Tailwind was removing the classes because it didn’t detect them properly. From there, you’d need to make sure all your files are correctly listed in the content section of your config.
When logged in to your website’s server via FileZilla etc., compare the last modified dates of files (e.g. css files) in the more obscure folders like bootstrap or bootstrap theme, because if they have changed (been updated) on your computer to achieve your new look, you will need to update them on the web server.